Our certifications testify to our concrete commitment to protecting the health of those who choose our products, with a view to implementing manufacturing processes compliant with environmental regulations.
Earning the most valuable certifications represents our declared desire to produce optimized products from a human-ecological point of view
Ecological manufacturing standards differ greatly from one country to another, and so does the importance attached to the ongoing study and investigation of harmful substances in materials, products and textiles. The needs of both traders and end consumers regarding both the properties and the quality of the products they intend to purchase are ever-increasing and as such, monitoring the substances used in our manufacturing processes becomes crucial.
LAPI® and FIRA®, and LS FIRE® are the certifications that attest that the product meets both Italian fire resistance standards (Class 1 IM)and English fire resistance standards (British Standard CRIB 5).
PATENTSGelSoftAir patented ® North Comfort ®
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